Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In Mourning

That's where I've been. In mourning. Mourning the loss of many things. Here's a list of things that I'm grieving over:

1. The loss of my money. My tax bill was so astronomical that I am not even going to let you take guesses as to how much money I owe the IRS. Put it this way, I'm looking into refinancing my house. Yes, it's that bad.

2. The loss of my birthday trip to Chicago. See loss number 1 for explanation.

3. The loss of my trip to the Florida beach in June. Refer again to loss #1.(I'm now riding with my in-laws to Pensacola, going to the beach for one day and driving back home as soon as the wedding is over.)

4. The loss of the dream of a trip to somewhere tropical and remote this December. I detest taxes right now.

5. The loss of my youth. I will be 30 in 16 days. I had planned to be much thinner, wealthier, and have another child by this point in my life. I'm chubby, broke, and the parent of a single child. 31 better be a freakin' fantastic birthday to make up for this year.

I guess that's enough bitching for one post. I'm off to convince myself that 10:00 is a great bedtime and that rising at the crack of dawn to exercise is a fabulous idea. This could take a lot of convincing. 'Night.

1 comment:

~**Dawn**~ said...

yuck. no fun. =(

(((HUGS))) hope you're feeling better about things soon. i'll be 30 in October...and i'm not even married yet, never mind any babies. but...such is life. ;-)