Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'ts Christmastime!

And time for another blog post. I really have no idea why my blogging mojo has become so sporadic in the last year. I read tons of other people's blogs every single day, yet completely abandon my own. Weird. I'm not even going to promise more regular posts, so you can be surprised and delighted if I get back into the swing of blogging.

First, the updates:

Greg really likes his job and his boss, which is a huge relief. What a difference to actually be told he's doing a great job and to be appreciated by his boss. Working outside in winter isn't so great, but getting to work from our house and set his own schedule is pretty nice. He's much happier in this position.

Carson is doing well in kindergarten and had a fantastic check-up at the eye doctor in Springfield 4 weeks ago. His eye movement has improved by 30%, which is a huge change. We love Dr. Pierce! Carson informed us at dinner last week that his job in Heaven will be to pack a lunch for Jesus each day, then guard his garden from monkeys, walruses, and penguins. Jesus does not eat out.

I am still scrapbooking, playing Bunco, working at SEMO, and saving the world, one dysfunctional family situation at a time. I love my work, and boy does it give me some stories to tell!

I've already attended 4 Christmas parties and have 6 to go. Have a great Friday and a Merry Weekend!


Shannon said...

Oh Amy, I love what Carson said about Jesus! TOO CUTE!

I'm so glad that Greg likes his job, that is always a good thing!

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Becca said...


We loved your Christmas card/picture! Thanks!
Carson will be the cutest lunch packer up there. I think my job will be taxi cab driver- since I have so much experience down here. Glad to see you are posting again- missed ya!

Theresa Marie said...

Amy it's SO great to hear an update from you! I think what Carson said is SO cute - he sounds like such a sweet little boy!!! I am also glad that hear that both you and Greg are enjoying your jobs... that is SO important. Merry Christmas, Amy!