Monday, December 22, 2008

Not Mine!

A little meme while I wait for my pot roast to cook. This is borrowed from Dawn. She's my Florida friend and Disney connection.

1. When did you last sleep in a bed outside your home?

the second week of November for 5 nights at my work retreat. I had to change rooms mid trip due to lack of heat in my first hotel room. Brrrr.

2. When did you last drive someone else’s car?
See answer #1. I drove a black Pontiac G6, courtesy of Enterprise. I actually drive rental cars often for work.

3. When did you last cook in someone else’s kitchen?
A week ago. My sister, Mom, and I had a Christmas treat extravaganza at Mom's.

4. When did you last care for children who aren’t yours?
My nephew, Riley, spent the night last Friday. I saw therapy kids on this past Friday morning.

5. When did you last do someone else’s job?
About three weeks ago, my friend and coworker, Christy, was home with a sick baby, so I drove over an hour to do a training she had scheduled. It did not go well. She owes me big. :)


~**Dawn**~ said...

Christmas treat extravaganza?? Mmmm...

I hope you had a great Christmas, Amy!

Becca said...

Amy- I love the bows!!