Sunday, November 13, 2005

Brought to you by the letter S...

S stands for lots of things. This week it stood for shopping, singing, seeing, sleep, and unfortuantely, snot. Sorry if that's too much info.

Let's start with shopping. In a span of 72 hours, I made 2.5 trips to St. Louis and shopped at 3 different malls and various specialty stores. It was a very successful shopping venture. I only have Greg and his brother left to buy for on my Chirstmas list. The 2.5 trips were not by choice.

On Thursday, I took Carson to see his eye specialist in St Louis. We'll be starting a home therapy program with monthly vision therapy visits to St. Louis. The doctor thinks Carson only has about 60% of the peripheral vision that he should and very little depth perception. There's nothing we can do to make it better, so we'll be helping him learn to compensate for what he's lacking. We stopped at Crestwood Mall on the way home.

On Friday, I had to work in Arnold all day. My coworker dropped me off at South County Mall, where I shopped for 3 hours while I waited for Greg to drive up from Cape so we could go see Mark Schultz in concert. (No point in me riding to Cape just to turn around come back when I could be shopping!) The concert was awesome (hence the "singing" I mentioned. I sang really loud to try to drown out the horribly tone deaf man next to me. It didn't work.) We spent the night at the Drury Inn and shopped at West County Mall Saturday. This is where the sickness and snot come in.

I am sick. I've felt bad all week, but last night on the way home, I really felt bad. Today I felt worse. I started an antibiotic and some heavy duty decongestants today and I'm a little better tonight. I have to leave for Jefferson City on Tuesday and won't be home until Friday. It's going to be in the 20's at night. I'll probably get sicker. Hopefully, not. My friend, Heather, and I are sharing a room, so for her sake, I really hope I'm not snoring all night from the congestion. I bought her some earplugs just in case.

That's pretty much it, kids. I'll be back late Friday night. I have one more week long work trip in a few weeks, then I should be finished with overnight travel for a long time. Yay!!! I have no laptop and the Fairfield Inn has no business center, so be good while I'm gone.

1 comment:

Nick D said...

snot is a four letter word.