Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For....

'Cause you just might get it all, and then some you don't want.

I wished for weight loss this week.....I got the stomach flu. Really bad. I'm getting better, but my abs are screaming from all of the wretching.

I wished for Greg to not have to work so much overtime....and he lost his job on Monday. He is applying everywhere, and we are optimistic that he'll be working again soon, but this is not good for the budget.

Enough of my woes. Everything is temporary and I'm faithful that things will be better soon.

In happy news, I am absolutely astounded at how well Carson is doing at swimming lessons. He started Monday, but today was my first day to take him. He wants to swim under water the entire time. He still has trouble getting his arms and legs to work at the same time, but he is doing so much better than I had imagined. His new swim teacher is awesome. The lessons are at her house, which is gorgeous, and she is the most patient, loving teacher I have seen.

I lost another 2.5 pounds this week. This was due in great part to the stomach flu, but I'll still take it! I'm shrinking every day.

I'm off to suspension aerobics in a few minutes. This is the class where we are in the deep end the whole time, so we don't touch the bottom for the entire class. It should be interesting given how sore my abs are right now.

Have a good Thursday. We have plans to go to swim lessons, and not much else. Sounds like a good day to me!


Becca said...


I am so sorry to hear about Greg's job. Something better must be waiting for him. Also sorry to hear you have the flu. I will say a prayer that things turn around for you quickly. Love your new picture!!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Wow that does not a good week make. I hope you're feeling better now. Good luck to Greg on finding a new job super fast!