Thursday, May 01, 2008

Where have I been?

Sorry, dear blog readers. I have been very lax in my blog updates lately. I'll try harder to keep things a little more current. Here's the current state of things:

My house: A mess
The laundry: backed up, but not crazy out of control
My job: slowing down-1 week until reduced summer hours
My son: getting glasses, goofy as ever
My husband: still obsessed with the lawn, yet unaware of the state of the house
My mom: halfway finished with chemo

We took Carson to see a new eye doctor in Sprinfield, MO on Monday. We drove to Springfield on Saturday and visited the children's museum and the Bass Pro Shop on Sunday. We also at Lambert's, which is much smaller than the one near us.

The eye doctor spent two hours with Carson and gave us some great ideas to help him use his vision better and suggested that we put him in glasses. It was amazing to see the difference in his depth perception with the lenses in place. We'll be ordering his glasses on Monday.

I'm leaving for Cropical Paradise at 8:00 am. I am so excited!! I'm hoping to get our last vacation to Florida nearly finished. I'll try to check on in Monday. Have a great weekend!


Becca said...

Glad you are back! I cannot wait to see Carson in his glasses- he will be too cute!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Glad you're doing ok! Hope you have a fun weekend! =)

The Fishers said...

Amy, your countdown scares me, it is too close to Christmas already!

Anonymous said...

Amy, My little boy just got glasses last week and he is doing great with them. He just turned 5 in February. Have a good weekend. Carson will look so cute! Amy G