Saturday, September 17, 2005

Down Time

I made it through the week Surprisingly, I actually got almost everything finished that I needed to do this week. Last night we went to Buckner Brewing Company with our friends from Sunday school. I realize that it's a little strange for our Sunday school class to meet at what is essentially a bar, but this is one of the only places we can always get a table for 15 on a Friday night without an extra charge for a room. We had a blast. Our class has grown into such a tight knit crew over the 3 years since we started the class. We laugh so hard when we get together outside of church. (The two wedding cake martinis I had may have helped with the laughter. :)

Today I'm teaching a class at the scrapbook store at 11 and then we're taking Carson to see March of the Penguins this afternoon. My boss's sister gave everyone I work with 2 free movies tickets that expire on the 22nd. They have to be used through the week or before 4 on the weekend, so today is the day. Carson does pretty well in the movies, so I hope he'll enjoy this one. It's pretty sad that this is the only movie that would be suitable for a preschooler. What happened to having at least one kid friendly movie at all times? I'll stop before I launch into "children are valued so little in this country" rant.

On Thursday, Carson and I attended the first ever Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) meeting in Jackson. We had a great time. I'll be helping with crafts from now on. If anyone knows any 20 minutes or less crafts for adults, send them my way. We have to keep the prep and assembly simple and inexpensice, but we want to make sure we offer neat projects. Carson attends the MOPets while I go to my meeting. He never has a problem seperating from me, but he really didn't have a problem at MOPs. He was so excited to meet his new friends that I could barely keep up with him when we were trying to find his classroom. He's really into having friends right now. Everywhere we go he wants to know if his friends are going to be there.

Tomorrow I have a bridal shower to attend in the afternoon and church in the morning. It will be so nice to have an evening at home. My class has been postponed for a week or two until they have my contract ready, so I'll be home on Monday night too! I'm so excited about having nothing to do! Have a great weekend!


Amy said...

Ah, spam. I have no idea what forex simulator trading is, so I'm pretty sure I can live without it. Dang junk posts!

Diana Sue said...

Good for you Amy. I have had a few of this on my post here lately . Hey can't wait for Carson Birthday Party. We will be there . I am also having a party but don't want to put on blog . Will tell you more Saturday. Do I need to bring any thing ? ( sidedish, drinks,) Let me know thanks Di.