Tuesday, September 13, 2005

On the road again

I'm leaving in about an hour for Jefferson City. I've worked all morning to get the laundry caught up and the house clean. Woe to any male members of this household if things are not as I left them when I return tomorrow night. I think they'll be fine. I am planning to spend this evening shopping at TJ Maxx and then chillin' in my hotel room by myself while I sort through all of my scrapbook paper and put page kits together. I also need to finish working on my Bible study homework. I have work that I could be doing, but I decided that tonight is for me. No distractions. I have vowed to quit buying scrapbook supplies unless I actually have the pictures to match the paper in my hand. No more buying because the paper is cute and thinking that I'll remember to take pictures of Carson eating M&M's to match the cute M&M paper I had to have. I just donated literally hundreds of pieces of paper to a silent auction for hurricane relief. I can't think of a more worthy cause, but to see all that paper that was probably $.50 a sheet made me a little bit sick. I still have tons of paper, which is why I'll be making page kits tonight. Get the pictures with the paper and get the pages done. I'll be coming home after my meeting tomorrow and heading straight to church for Bible study. Thursday night is MOPS. Friday night is dinner out with our Sunday school class. Saturday I have classes at the scrapbook store and an afternoon movie trip to use the movie tickets that expire on the 22nd. Sunday I have a bridal shower to go to. I think next week I just have my night class and Bible study. Thanks be to God! I can see the light! Have a fabulous Tuesday and Wednesday!

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