Monday, September 12, 2005

Wonder Woman on the Edge

So, those of you who know me personally would probably describe me as busy. Most people do. They begin sentences with "I know you're really busy, but could you..." My answer is typically "Yes! What do you need and when." No More! I officially hit the point today that I feel I have to start refusing offers. This is going to kill me. I really like my reputation as a "go-to girl" and I am pretty darn good at getting the job done. Today, I reached capacity and I have literally been worried sick wondering how my family and I will survive the next 12 weeks. The morning started out great. I got to work, put my lunch in the fridge and started the computer. The server was down. Bad omen #1. My friend and coworker, Heather, stops to tell me that the text books for my class have arrived.

"For what class? The class I'm teaching in December?"

"No, your CDA class that starts tonight."

"The same class I taught last year that started in December?" (Panic is now setting in.)

"Yes, but we changed the schedule and it starts tonight. What did you think I was asking about when I asked if you were ready for your class last week?"

" I thought you were asking about my new Bible study on Wednesday nights!!!! Holy crap! I have nothing ready for a class that starts in less than 8 hours!"

The day declined rapidly from there. I rearranged my afterwork appoinments to the afternoon and managed to be back to work in time for said class. We did an icebreaker activity, introductions, and a very brief overview of the course. I had gone home to email my syllabus and course outline to work, but the stupid server at the university wouldn't let my attachments through. What the hell?!?!?

I honestly don't care that the class started 12 weeks earlier than I was anticipating and it will be nice to have the extra money for Christmas and bills. It's just that I'm a planner, and I really wanted to do some tweaking and updating of my course that is not going to be possible now.

I also would have never signed up for a Wednesday night Bible study that lasts through Christmas had I known that I'd be in class until 9:00 every Monday for the next 12 weeks. I am thinking that Greg will have to join a Bible study so he and Carson will at least be at the church with me on Wednesdays. Maybe we can have family time on the way there and back.

Carson and I will be attending the first meeting of a new Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group Thursday night. This will be a once a month commitment, thank goodness.

I also still play Bunco once a month. It often falls on the same week as MOPS and my scrapbooking group.

I don't mean to sound whiny, and I do realize that I have brought all of this, other than the unexpected class, upon myself. It's just that I love all of these things and hate to give anything up. Looking back, I can't believe I ever used to work full time and still got everything done. Of course, this is the first time I've had a full time and 2 part time jobs and several hobbies and group affiliations and a child. Woe is me tonight. I get a little bit sick to my stomach thinking about it all. What happened to the days when I could work 8 hours, go to class 6 hours, go "out" for 4 hours and sleep hardly at all. I feel the big 3-0 gaining on me fast. You'll know I've drowned in a sea of comittments if I don't blog again for awhile. Wish me luck and a few extra hours in the day. I need all the help I can get.


Diana Sue said...

Hey Amy, With everything you do, you have that right to woe is me. I would not wont to be you. Try to take some time out for yourself, everyone needs that and that might help. I will call you sometime about scrapbooking. Take care Di

Diana Sue said...

Hey Amy, With everything you do, you have that right to woe is me. I would not wont to be you. Try to take some time out for yourself, everyone needs that and that might help. I will call you sometime about scrapbooking. Take care Di