Thursday, December 29, 2005


Hello Readers! Long time, no blog. We had a wonderful Christmas and I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine.

I spent today getting the house back in order and thinking of what I hope to accomplish in the new year. Here are my 2006 resolutions:

1. Plan our meals and stick to the plan. We spend entirely too much money eating out. It shows on my check register and my butt. I spent today cleaning out the pantry, fridge, and freezer. I found mustard that expired in 2004. Scary.
2. Use my gym membership and my Weight Watcher dues. I have to lose a lot of weight and get my blood pressure under control if we're going to have any more babies. I also feel like crap and can't fit into my clothes. That's pretty good motivation. I'll be having my "Last Supper" on Sunday. Probably something really greasy that will make me feel horrible and remind me how much I need to lose weight and exercise.
3. Get out of debt. We want everyhing but the mortgage paid off. We'll be driving our beater cars and eating at home in our little starter house for awhile. Oh well, I have enough scrap stuff stockpiled to outlast armageddon. I'll be fine.
4. Say "NO" more often. I would like to feel far less "obligated" this year. My family misses me.

I think that's plenty to shoot for. Good luck to you all whatever your resolutions may be!

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