Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday, Monday

I had the most productive, quiet, noninterrupted day at the office that I have had in a very long time. It was wonderful. We have our annual monitoring visit (kind of like an audit) at the end of the month and I get several things checked off my list for that. I headed to Culvers at lunch and had the very yummy pot roast sandwich and mashed potatoes. I'd highly reccommend it.

I went to see my babies after work, then headed home to get my stuff ready for class tomorrow. Praise God that tomorow is my last night to lecture. This has been the craziest semester with all of the unusual weather and two flu bugs I went through. I feel like this class never really got good and started and now it's almost over.

I decided to undertake a new venture and signed up as a BeautiControl Consultant today. I am in love with their face products and decided to join to get my products at a discount. I'll be attending BeautiU on Saturday with several friends/relatives who are also joining. I'll be booking spa shows for anyone who is interested. You get lots of pampering and great products at great prices. I'll post more details after Saturday. I'm not interested in doing this full force like I did with Pampered Chef, but I'd still like to do a few parties a month. Fun stuff!

Tomorrow I'll be working at a child care home in Zalma. It's a very small town about an hour from Jackson. I'll be completing a rating scale for the environment, which is a nice break from evaluating kids with special needs. It should be a good day!

Thanks to Becky and Rebecca for the menu tips and to Dawn for checking in with me after my little hiatus! I love you guys!

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Be the hero of your own life story.-Alex Rover in Nim's Island

1 comment:

Michele said...

Congrats on the new venture with BeautiControl, Amy! It's sounds like fun. I haven't heard of them before. Do you have a link to a website where you will be selling things?

Enjoy your last night of class tonight. Oh, and I was wondering what a ratings scale for the environment is?