Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekend Update

I've been back for a week and I'm still trying to get back in a routine. This week will be super busy, so hopefully things will slow down eventually.

Friday night, Becky and I went to the late show to see 27 Dresses. It was very cute, but definitely a chick flick. There were 8 women in the theater. There were no men. It was a fun night out.

Yesterday, we went to Messy Morning, a community event that has free activities for young children. Usually I have to work in the booth that my office sponsors, but I was able to skip working this year and just enjoy visiting all of the booths with Carson. Greg's cousin, Amy, and her twin girls met us there. The kids had a great time getting messy together.

After Messy morning, we went to Shogun for lunch. I had it in my mind that it would be so much cheaper to go at lunch, but it was still $40. Not exactly a frugal decision. Oh well, it was really good and Carson has a blast watching the chef cook on the hibachi grill. After lunch we went shopping for ceramic tile. We want to put tile down in our dining room and kitchen. I have 4 tiles chilling out in my kitchen floor, just waiting for me to decide which one is my favorite. I change my mind every time I go into the kitchen. We also want to pull our carpet up and refinish the hardwood flooring in the living room, hallway, and bedrooms. I think we'd probably better wait until the tile is done before we start another project.

I'm out of the office 2 days this week. I have 2 parties to attend. I have class on Tuesday night. My birthday is on Sunday. I'm already tired.

My class is winding down and while I'll miss the extra money, I can't wait to have the extra time to get my house really organized. I want to take a few days off soon to really declutter and get things in order. Life seems to run so much smoother when I'm not fighting piles of clutter.

I have stocked the house with tons of groceries in an effort to quit eating out. I need to menu plan, but that may have to wait until tomorrow. Anyone have any menu planning tips or yummy recipes to help motivate me? I also need to convine myself that I like leftovers again. We used to eat them all the time when we first got married.

A little update on my mom: she got sick about a week after her 2nd round of chemo, but her doctor is convinced she had the stomach flu, since my dad was also sick. She had another round last Thursday and was feeling well enough to go with my dad and grandma on a little trip to Gatlinburg, TN. She's lost most of her hair, so she alternates between her wig, turbans, and hats. She can no longer feel the tumor from the outside, so hopefully, it's shrinking. Keep up the prayers!

Thanks for checking in! I'll try to post more often this week, but I'm not making any promises.


~**Dawn**~ said...

You are all most definitely still in my prayers.

Crazy how you get out of your routine & it feels like it takes forever to get back into it, huh?

Becky said...

Menu planning tips...last year in MOPS one of our speakers gave us a blank calendar printout and she had us write menu's out on that calendar...for each day of the week...with "busy" nights planned in (like frozen pizza or something quick) based on what you had going on that night. When you can see your menu and the month right in front of you it's a lot easier to stick to a plan. Hope this makes sense!

Becca said...

I am so happy to see you have posted again. I was afraid maybe you were busy with your Momma. I am glad to hear she is ok.
I used to mangae a menu planning website, called Recipes In Time. I will email you a slew of recipes with grocery lists. If you are not interested, just delete them. My website was very successful, I even had subscribers in England, Pennsylvania, Alabama, and Oregon. People were finding me!! I simply became too busy while closing the store, and starting my new insurance job to keep it up. It is so weird that you mentioned it, because, I just had to pay my domain name renewal!!! I utilize the plan, and I kid you not, I save money because when I go the grocery store extra things do not fall into my cart!! I also always know what to thaw out for dinner in the morning. It makes it a lot less tempting to eat out, when I am not staring into the fridge at a bunch of condiments thinkng....What do I feel like now?


Michele said...

Your mom is absolutely in my prayers still, and I'm glad that it was the flu and not something worse.

The Messy Morning thing sounds like a lot of fun!! We have a place near me that sounds like Shoguns. I haven't been there in years, but I remember how awesome it was the last time I went. It's amazing all the cool cooking tricks they can do!!

Anyway, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday!!! Hope all your wishes come true!!!