Thursday, June 23, 2005

Layers of Me

This is via Miss Nancy's Blog.

LAYER ONE: On The Outside
- Name: Amy
- Nicknames: Skrappygirl, Sis, Aim
- Birthdate: April 20
- Birthplace: Missouri
- Current Location: Missouri
- Eye Color: Blue
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Height: 5'7"
- Righty or Lefty: righty
- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
- Religion: United Methodist
- Sex: Female

LAYER TWO: In The Inside
- Your heritage: German and English
- The shoes you wore today: I'm barefoot
- Who you look like: My mother
- Your weakness: pizza, cookies, chinese food
- Your fears: Open water, but I'm actually considering facing the fear and getting SCUBA certified
- Your perfect pizza: Pizza Hut Pan Pepperoni Lovers
- Goal you'd like to achieve: Losing another 75 pounds

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
- Your thoughts first waking up: I realy need to get to the bathroom
- Your best physical feature: eyes
- Your bedtime: Between eleven and midnight
- Your most missed memory: When my husband and I were dating....good times!

- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
- McDonalds or Burger King: No fast food since watching SuperSize Me and reading Fast Food Nation. Yuck!
- Single or group dates: I like both
- Adidas or Nike: Nike
- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
- Cappuccino or coffee: neither, I don't drink much caffeine

-Smoke: No
- Curse: Yes, way too much
- Sing: Yes, in the car
- Have had a crush(es): Yes
-Think you've been in love: I know I am
- Want to get married: Already am.
- Believe in yourself: Most of the time
- Motion sickness: I get carsick in the back seat and was a little woozy on the cruise
- Think you're attractive: Getting better every day!
- Think you're a health freak: Im trying to be.
- Get along with your parents: Almost always, barring long car trips
- Like thunderstorms: Yes, as long as they arent severe.
- Play an instrument: Clarinet, its been awhile though.

LAYER SIX: Have you ever...
- Gone to the mall?: Yes
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Yes
- Eaten sushi: Yes. California rolls
- Been on stage: Yes
- Gone skating: Absolutely!
- Gone skinny dipping: nope
- Stolen anything: office supplies from work
- Been caught "doing something": Ummm, yeah.
- Been called a tease: Not that I remember.
- Gotten beaten up: No
- Shoplifted: No

LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
- Age you hope to be married: I was 23 when I got married.
- Numbers and Names of Children: Carson, age 3.
- Describe your dream wedding: I loved our wedding, but would do something totally different if I had it do over again
- How do you want to die: An old woman warm in my bed
- What do you want to be when you grow up: I would love to get paid do research on some tropical island-maybe studying native children
- What country would you most like to visit: Bora Bora

LAYER NINE: In a partner
- Best eye color?:No preference.
- Best hair color?: No preference.
- Short or long hair: short, clean cut
- Height: taller than me
- Best article of clothing: Boxers

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
- Number of drugs taken illegally: None
- Number of CDs that you own: 20-30
- Number of piercings: 2 in each ear
- Number of tattoos: none, I don't like'em
- Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: probably 15-20

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