Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Amy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I am trying to add a little comic relief to today's events through my title. I'm not at all making light of what all happened today, just needing a little stress relief. It's a reference to this book, which is on the must-read list for preschoolers:

I'm feeling very much like Alexander today.

So, here goes:

My mom has cancer. She was diagnosed with follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma of the abdomen. The lemon-sized tumor is not in her intestine, but rather in her abdomen near her intestines. The good news is that this cancer is very treatable. The bad news is that she'll probably need chemo. She is going to a cancer center in St Louis next week to determine a treatment plan.

The other news is that Carson needs another eye surgery. He is seeing very well when looking down to read, but not so well when he needs to look up to watch TV or see a chalkboard (if he was in school). He hasn't had surgery since he was 3, so this could be very different. It will just be outpatient surgery, but he's developed fear of most things medical in the last three years. At least he won't have to stay overnight. He's scheduled for surgery March 11.

I also had some other work-related stress today and just about threw in the towel and gave up. I sucked it up until 4, then went to see my therapy baby. I felt much better after getting some cuddle time and sweet smiles from the little guy.

Tomorrow will be better.

Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.-Mary McLeod Bethune


Nicole *Ü* said...

I'm so sorry about your mom! I hope things go well with her treatments. And I hope things go well with Carson's eye surgery. What's the music playing on your blog? I LOVE it!! Of course, every time I click on it, it's a different song!! I loved the slow song I heard the first time.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your ice cream fell off and landed in Australia (I love that book!). Tell Joyce she stays in my prayers.

Lisa H.

Anonymous said...

So very sorry to read about your mom and Carson. Will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

The above comment was from Becky's sister, Elizabeth.

Becca said...

What a terrible day. Now you know one thing for sure, tomorrow will be better, because it cannot get any worse.
Your Momma will be fine, I just know it, she will have a lot of down time, but we will all pray her well! She is young that should help her.
We will pray for Carson also!!

1UP RPG said...

I think I accidentally called Australia.
(I love that book too!)
I think you have a great attitude about your mom's diagnosis and that will help. When my mom was diagnosed with liposarcoma (cancer of the fatty tissues, found in a lump on her arm) I was in grad school. It was hard to be away from her, but I felt like I could make her better with my SHEER WILL. Of course, that is how you feel about a lot of things when you are 22! Still, I think Mom looked at it as just a bump in the road and everything would be fine...and it was. One surgery and the suggested number of radiation treatments...she has been cancer free ever since! I will be praying for your mom and the rest of your family as you go over this bump!
I will also be praying for Carson's eye surgery. It's hard to be strong and calm when your kid is so scared.


~**Dawn**~ said...

It's a scary thing to hear. I remember when my Gram was diagnosed with breast cancer. She came through with flying colors & I hope that your mom does as well. I will keep your family & their doctors in my prayers.