Saturday, February 02, 2008

Small Town Mani/Pedi, Frog, and Ralphie's Demise

I live in a small town. There are two nail salons in town. I can only go to one of them due to a very weird situation at the the other one. Long story short, one of the girls that works at the other salon has the hots for my husband and has made it known to a few of my friends that she would like to bed him. She used to be our hairstylist. Not so much anymore. So anyway, I went to the other one today for a mani/pedi. My feet were wintry and dry and my fingernails had seen better days since I had my acrylic nails taken off last week. They were crowded which meant I got extra soaking time in the pedicure chair. Heaven. By the time I left 2 hours later, I had talked with a girl I went to high school with who I hadn't seen since graduation, figured out that it was my nail tech's birthday, shared my recipe for Buffalo Chicken Dip with two ladies, discussed the pros and cons of each St. Louis shopping mall, and left with a fresh coat of "Berry Good Dancer" on my fingers and toes. Ah, life in a small town.

I also evaluated an adorable little boy today. He hopped right up on my lap and snuggled in. I love it when they're agreeable and cuddly.

I've spent the majority of the afternoon and evening surfing the net and watching the tube. AMC has Father of the Bride on now, with Father of the Bride II following. I just told Greg that it's like my perfect channel. He said it's like his perfect Hell. He really is a romantic at heart, but has to put on the tortured husband routine to do his part for the species.

Ralphie is on a downward spiral. It was very warm today and he did not fare well. I think he'll be gone tomorrow.

And now, a picture of Carson and his new frog. He really wanted a picture of the frog on my blog.

I am halfway considering making a St Louis run tomorrow. I feel like a road trip to a big scrapbook store and maybe a Trader Joe's run. So far, Greg is not on board, but the night is young and I've still got plenty of pestering left in me. Gotta go! Part II has begun.


Becca said...

Who is this trampy stylist? Do you want me to take some Roundup in a sprayer to her yard and write the word HO-BAG? HAHAHA Just a little hillbilly kidding. I am sure your nails look great! Next weekend we are busy both nights, but maybe the weekend of the 16th we can go out. HUGS

The Fishers said...

I love your music on your blog. I have tried and tried to do this and can't figure out how. I'm in desp. need of a pedicure too. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!