Monday, February 18, 2008

A Mighty Good Man

A little late Valentines Day Meme: Feel free to use it on your own blog!

What's one physical characteristic that you love about your mate? His smile. He smiles all the time and aren't those some straight teeth?

What's one personality trait that stands out about your mate? His even temper. He rolls with the punches and literally almost never gets upset about anything. His motto for life: Eh, it'll be alright.

How long have you been together? Since June 22, 1996. He took me home to meet his mom on our first date. We've been together ever since. Married? Since May 22, 1998. Almost 9 years!

Would you say that you loved your husband first for his brains, his brawn or his bankbook?
hmmm..I will admit that the red sports car and his insistence on paying for everything was pretty nice...the car has since been sold and I paid for dinner tonight, as usual

Did you pick out your ring or did he surprise you with it? He picked the loose stone himself and had it set in a simple band just like I had always wanted

How did you choose where to be married? It was interesting. There was a time when I was actually thinking about being married in the Catholic church since his whole family is Catholic. We eventually agreed to get married in my church, where Greg can now be found every Thursday and Sunday. He loves being part of our church.

How is your marriage different than it was the day you married? It's very real now. We have been through some pretty rough stuff in the last 9 years, everything from job loss to almost losing Carson when he was born, then working together to give him the best therapies and watching him grow into the coolest little man. We don't get rattled too much anymore. (Unless you count my rants about open closet doors and dishes not being put away.)

What do you love the most about your mate? He is very giving. He would literally give you the shirt off his back if you said you needed it.

What's something that you do to keep your marriage happy? We go away together. Even it's just to St Louis for the weekend, we love spending time as a couple.

List one word to describe your mate for every year that you've been together.





Great Daddy





Becca said...

How sweet, You two love birds are made for each other!! You described Greg perfectly!! How did we end up with these great husbands??? HAHAHA

~**Dawn**~ said...

Awww... Such a warm & fuzzy post! And now I have to spoil my sentiment by asking...

//Since May 22, 1998. Almost 9 years!//

I know that math is far & away not my strong suit but wouldn't that be almost 10 years? ;-)

Amy said...

Whoops! It was 1999. He propsed in 1998 when I graduated college. Can you tell I was sleep deprived when I typed this?

Theresa Marie said...

AWWW Such a sweet post!!!

Becca said...


CIL-FM is having a Baby Idol contest. You can go to their website, and read more. You may want to enter Riley!