Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tiny Fingers, Tiny Toes

I took my class on a field trip to a local Neonatal Intensive Care Unit tonight. The students enjoyed the trip, as always. It's always interesting to watch their reactions. I can ususally tell who will continue on in the field and who will realize that this is not the careeer for them. Seeing tiny sick babies for the first time is pretty unnerving. I have been in the NICU many times since Carson was born and tonight was the first time I was able to look at the tiniest babies and think I could do it again if I had to. Hopefully I'll have a normal pregnancy when we try again, but if not, I realized tonight that I could handle it if things didn't go as planned again. We'll see what the year brings. No, we're not ready to try again quite yet. :)

We celebrated my dad's birthday on Sunday with a celebratory dinner at Pizza Inn. Grandma treated us all to dinner. My aunt, uncle, cousin, and his girlfriend joined my entire family, and we chatted and ate for an hour and a half. We stayed so long that Greg sampled just about every variety of pizza offered on the buffet. We're done with birthdays until mine in April.

I don't have any travel for work this week, which is a nice break. We'll be taking a quick trip to St Louis this weekend to get Carson some shoes to wear with the braces he is getting tomorrow. I need to pick up the Bunco prizes for March, so some other shopping will be in order too. Yay!

I've been spending lots of time researching our vacation. I think we'll be booking very soon. I have no intention of going to Disney World pregnant, so I'm looking at at least 11 months or so to really get in shape. I've been doing well with Weight Watchers and have reconnected with a friend from high school at my meetings, so I am motivated to become a Skinny Minnie for Disney and a baby! I even snuck in some exercise yesterday. Anyone local want to walk with me?

I finished Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult and it was a great read. I picked up another Jodi Picoult book, Nineteen Minutes, at the library, so I'm off to read a little before bed. Leave me a comment about any great reads you've found lately and I may just have a little drawing for those who share a book suggestion. Thanks for checking in!


Becca said...

Maybe Disney would be a great place for conception!! I had a dream that Kathy had a baby boy and named him Samuel...??? She has no boyfriend/husband so ??? Then Katie dreamt I had a boy and named him Lincoln and lied to her and told her it was a girl named Claire!! If that happens, Keane is going to expect a child support check from the real father!! Baby talk is in the air!! Maybe we should start a campaign... Franklin Baby '09 HUGS!

Nicole *Ü* said...

I love Disney!! Have a wonderful vacation!!! I haven't read any of the Jodi Piccoult books yet, but I keep seeing them at Target and keep thinking I should try them. Have you read the Twilight series yet? Everyone raves about them. I just finished "Eclipse" and really enjoyed the ending, though I wasn't that obsessed about them as everyone else seems to be. I just finished "The Last Juror" by John Grisham and enjoyed it. I just started "Wuthering Heights" for book club. This will be my second time reading it and I hated it the first time. LOL Maybe I will "get" it better this time around. Have you read "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See? We read that one last year for book club and I really liked it. Sad at times but very interesting. Another one we read for book club was "The Memory Keeper's Daughter." I had a hard time with it because it depressed me, but my mom and most of my book club loved it.

1UP RPG said...

Amy, we found out we were expecting Eli when we were at Disney in 04...so I think there are good baby vibes there. I mean, he wasn't *made* there, but still.
I am up for walking! Once I get through this crazy speech districts week, I may even have time to do it!
During the power outage, I actually read a book. I was caught up on grading. The kids were napping. I couldn't check e-mail. I was bundled up in a blanket at my mom's and just grabbed a book she had there: 700 Sundays by Billy Crystal. I loved it...I read it in one nap time, so you would probably finish it pretty quickly too. Sundays were the only days Billy got to spend all day with his dad growing up...and since he died when Billy was in high school, the guess is that there were 700 of them. It is a funny and poignant memoir.
I read The Memory Keeper's Daughter last year and was frustrated by it...it was good in parts, but I just kept wanting to shake the characters.


Anonymous said...

I'm still here and the puppy needs to lose weight so I'm increasing my walking. What time do you usually get off work? We were out at the county park yesterday around 4:30. Give me a call or email me if you want to want sometime--I'll probably be walking her out there a lot, otherwise I walk around my neighborhood.

Lisa H