Saturday, February 09, 2008

Just for fun

Blognapped from Sophia's Blog
One thing I won’t let my husband buy me…clothes. I buy his, otherwise he'd be naked.
One thing I would love to have, but I probably will never have…a home near the beach
One thing you will never find in my closet…high heels. I hate them.
One thing I would choose if I were having elective surgery...a chest reduction and lift
One thing I love about my face…my eyes.
One thing that I love to do…talk to and watch people
One thing I would like to change if I could…nothing, everything happens for a reason
One thing I would change as a mom…I'd relax more, but I'm not wired that way.
One thing I would do if I had unlimited money…get my family outfitted with large, matching , black SUV's (then donate a bunch of money to alternative fuel research to ease my conscience)
One thing I that I will not do again… I never say never
One thing that I would like to do…get caught up on my scrapbooks, I am way too controlling to relax and just scrapbook for the creativity
One thing I could do without...I've already given away about half of our posessions, so I'm good for now
One thing I love to smell…freshly bathed babies
One thing I would do if I won the lottery…start my own foundation to help people with disabilities
One thing that infuriates me...welfare fraud. I see it all the time in my job.
One thing that I love about winter…being inside. I don't like the outdoors a whole lot.
One thing I love about scrapbooking….the friendships I have formed with fellow scrappers
One thing I am addicted to…blogs and
One thing I pray for…strength to make it through anything that comes my way
One thing I wish I had… the ability to get by on very little sleep
One thing I would do again, regardless of the pain…be a mom
One thing that I absolutely hate to do…match the socks in the laundry pile
One thing that is weird about me…My pants have to go on before my shirt, or I'm convinced I'll have a bad day
One thing that I need help on…understaning how the computer works
One thing I find most relaxing.. reading in my bed under the electric blanket
One thing that could get me in trouble…staying up until early morning reading
One thing that annoys me…open cupboards and closet doors.
One thing I dread; therefore, don’t do very often....go to Walmart
One thing that I have learned, but still sometimes forget…that I am not in charge of the whole world


~**Dawn**~ said...

That first answer totally cracked me up! And thank you for not making me the only person in the world who cannot stand to see open cabinets or closets!

Lilian said...

I totally agree with the Wal Mart comment! You made me laugh when reading that you think you'll have a bad day if your pants don't go on first! You crack me up!!! Love this post!

Becca said...

Amy- We are freakin twins seperated at birth!! My worst pet peeve is open doors etc. I dread going to Wal Mart also- Rebecca