Sunday, February 03, 2008

Road Trip

A brief recap of the day:

We went to church. It was rough. They announced that Mom was awaiting her test results and asked the congregation to pray for her. It's great to know that she's got lots of prayers going up. Her appointment is actually on Wednesday, not Friday, so just a few more days to wait.

After church we immediately hopped in the van and went to St Louis Mills Mall for the afternoon. We enjoyed lunch at Chevy's, shopped the entire mall, got groceries at Trader Joe's, then stopped at the Waffle House for a quick dinner on the way home. Chocolate Chip Pecan Waffles. Could there be anything more sinful than chocolate and syrup for supper?

I'm actually pretty freaked out about my weight and eating habits with everything going on with Mom. I stocked up on lean meats, veggies, fruits, and whole grains at Trader Joe's so I can get back on track with Weight Watchers tomorrow. Please scold me if I don't blog about attending a meeting tomorrow. I'm going to have to start treating my meetings like AA meetings and get this stupid weight off.

Alert: I think I may have had some mild stirrings of baby fever at Gymboree today. Those sweet tiny outfits were calling to me. I need a girl to dress up. Reason number two to get myself to a meeting tomorrow.

I got some great deals on candles today. I got Sparkling Cinnamon and Autumn Leaves Yankee Candles and an Indian Summer Colonial Candle. I almost like Colonial Candles as much Yankee. Sure, they're fall and winter scents, but they still smell good and I've got a few more months of cool weather to get through, and they were 50% off. I also got a set of new sheet pans like the Pioneer Woman uses. I've been eyeing those for awhile. You'll also see a new heart cookie cutter and sprinkles for Carson's party, as well as some silicon cupcake holders that I'm using to pack my new healthy lunches. More on that later.

I am off to bed to finish reading The Thirteenth Tale. I've had a hard time with this story and have had to put it down a few times. It's a good book, it just has a disturbing, dysfunctional family history playing out that's a bit hard to take at times. I don't do disturbing well.

Have a fabulous week!


Becca said...

I also bought Yankee candles on sale- I prefer candles from Candle Corner in Ste. Genevieve, they really do last longer, and make my whole house smell good. However, I rarely get there.
Baby...Baby...Baby... Just a little chant.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Mmmm.... Autumn Leaves is one of my favorites.

Theresa Marie said...

hey Amy - I hope your mom is doing ok - I was thinking of her this morning. Also - did you make it to Weight Watchers?! I didn't make it to my treadmill this morning :(