Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Agony of Defeat

Our team lost tonight. In what ended up being a close game, the Southeast Missouri State Redhawks lost to the Moorehead University Eagles. We still had fun! It was our mascot, Rowdy the Redhawk's, 3rd birthday, so he had a halftime birthday party. Over a thousand t-shirts were launched with air cannons and mascots from other local sports teams as well as a few restaurants and businesses were at the game to help him celebrate. The Moore and McCoy families joined us for the evening.

Work was uneventful. I'm looking forward to my party and watching my nephew tomorrow. It will be his first trip to Aunt Amy's house. I have the Pack-n-Play and all of our baby toys out and ready to go. I'll take lots of pictures. :) Have a wonderful weekend!


~**Dawn**~ said...

LOL! For some reason, I was expecting you to say you succombed to the germies, when I first read your title. Sorry about your team, but I'm glad that was the defeat & not the battle against the pukes.

Becca said...

The mascots around Carson look freakin scary!! He is a brave boy!!