Friday, January 04, 2008

No rest for the wicked

Some of you may have noticed that you received an email from me at 1:48 this morning. That would be because I was still awake at 1:48am. I was still awake at 4am. This does not happen. I'm usually in bed by midnight at the latest and asleep 30 seconds after my head hits the pillow. My head was hurting and I have a hard time going to sleep when Greg is already sleeping in the bed. He messes up my covers and makes weird annoying noises, like breathing. I'm a little anal about the whole bedtime routine. I go to bed first, or we go at the same time and I fall asleep way before him so I don't have warm, noisy breathing in my face. Aren't you glad to know all this?

Anyway, I was finally asleep around 4, then awakened at 7:40 to the tune of, "Mommy, get up! I want cereal!" My reply was, "Open the cereal drawer and eat it out of the box." That lasted 5 minutes until he returned to inform me that he needed a drink too. So, I was up. It's been a rough day, but I seem to have my second wind at almost midnight.

Carson and I took the day off from school work and hung out watching TV and playing this morning. We had lunch at Casa Mexicana, then headed to my office where he watched movies in the conference room for an hour, then proceeded to move from cubicle to cubicle entertaining the staff.

We stopped at the used book store to make some trades on the way home. Carson got a new Magic Tree House book and several other science themed books. I picked up Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner and Plain truth by Jodi Picoult.

We rushed home in time for me to pack up my scrapbook stuff and head to the local scrapbook store to crop with my buddies. I didn't get much done, but did get paper and pictures matched for an 8x8 calendar. I'll have time to finish it tomorrow. Becky and I chatted a lot and as always got far less done at the crop than we would have scrapbooking at home. The visiting is the best part though!

That's what I look like after getting less than 4 hours sleep. It ain't pretty, but I had to have proof that I got something done tonight. Becky looks cute though. She got 4 12x12 pages done. I got 3 8x8 pages done. Did I mention we were there for 5 hours?!?! Something is not right.

Tomorrow I am hopefully sleeping in. Greg is going geocaching in the morning. We're taking Carson to a NASA exhibit at SEMO University (where I work) in the afternoon. Nothing is on the agenda for Sunday. Thank goodness!

I'm borrowing this from Becky's blog. I think I've still got time for a New Year's List.

2008 New Year's Wish List:
1. One habit you'd like to break totally. Eating out due to laziness. I really need to plan ahead more.

2. One person you'd like to get to know better. I hope to meet all sorts of new people this year. I'll talk to anyone, so it's usually not a problem.

3. One random act of kindness that you'd like to make a habit this year. I'd like to make more time to have friends and family over for dinner just because.

4. Something that you'd like to own by the end of 2008. Completed scrapbook albums.

5. Something that you'd like to get rid of by the end of 2008. About half my body weight.

6. One change you'd like to see in your life in 2008. Actually getting healthy instead of just talking about it.

7. One thing you'd like to memorize in 2008. The freakin' computer keyboard. I still watch my fingers when I type.

8. Something that you'd like to improve on in 2008. Having more realistic expectations of people. Apparently not everyone is as driven to occupy every minute of their time as I am.

9. Something new you'd like to learn in 2008. How to say no to more commitment. This will probably never be mastered since I am so inept at trusting others to get the job done. (this is not without good reason...I've been burned a few times)

10. Something you're looking forward to this year. Vacation...hopefully to Disney World in December

11. One thing you're going to make sure DOESN'T happen this year. Weight gain. It has reached the point of absurdity for me not to deal with this.

12. One person that you want to be closer to this year. Carson. It seems like it's time for bed as soon as we get dinner, baths and school work done. I really want to have more time to hang out with him and enjoy his awesome little personality.

13. One place you want to visit this year. The Smithsonian when I'm in D.C. in April

14. One thing that you'll move from 2007's to do list to 2008's to do list. Getting in shape for baby #2

15. One old acquaintance that you'd like to reconnect with this year. Randy..I haven't seen him since the night of my wedding almost 9 years ago and I'd like to know he's still alive

G,night! I'm off for some sweet sleep.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, I like the colours. I totally know what you mean about the breathing... It isn't so much the noise that bothers me... I just don't like to be facing each other at the same time... I just don't want to breathe in as he is breathing out because then I am breathing in his carbon dioxcide and not oxygen, and then I panic because I "think" that I am not getting enough air..... I am sure there is a name for that phobia...I just don't know what it is.

Becky said...

Great post...hope you slept well last night!