Thursday, January 31, 2008


Mom is going home today. She ended up having 7 biopsies. We'll know the results in a few days. There is still the possibility that she just has a very infected polyp. She's not in any pain right now, but the doctors say she'll feel like she was hit by a truck after the pain medication wears off later today. Please keep praying for us!

It is literally snowing up a storm outside. I slid off the rode three times trying to get home this morning. It looks like we'll be staying home tomorrow. So much for Carson's speech evaluation.

I think some scrapbooking is on the agenda for this afternoon since I'm snowed in. I feel like doing some cooking, and I'm thinking chicken and dumplings sounds very good for dinner. Thanks for checking in!


Anonymous said...

Amy, I am keeping your mother and your family in my prayers. I hope that she is doing okay now that the pain meds are wearing off and that it is NOT cancer. Please keep us updated.

Lilian said...

A snow day sounds like a good idea!

I will definitely continue to keep your mom in my prayers!!!!

1UP RPG said...

Keeping your mom in our prayers!