Saturday, January 12, 2008


I'm not feeling materialistic at all today. It is so hard to understand why things change in the blink of an eye. One of my babies passed away on Thursday. It was unexpected and has completely devastated his family. Please say a prayer for Spencer's family. He was the sweetest blue-eyed angel that you could imagine. I am so blessed to have my own healthy baby boy.

I did not make it to the funeral today because I was 2 hours away presenting child abuse and neglect training. I thought of Spencer often today and realized that spending today training others about how to help prevent abuse and neglect was the greatest way I could have honored his memory.

My training went well. I am so honored when the trainees stay around after dismissal to tell me that they liked the training and wanted to thank me for my time. It helps me remember not to freak out about the little things like when the PowerPoint presentation won't work (today!) or when we get off track talking about what they are concerned about and I don't get to finish every activity I had planned.

Greg rode along and dropped me off at the training site, then went geocaching. He found 16 caches today. That's a lot. He said there was hiking involved and his wild, wind blown hair proved it. He looked a bit like a mad scientist when he came to pick me up.

Yesterday I watched my baby nephew, Riley. Carson wasn't too impressed with his 8-week-old cousin. I got my baby fix and am looking forward to next Friday to do it again.

I also attended a fabulous spa partyand came home so relaxed. I needed the girl time and refreshing eye pads after the sad news this week. I booked my own spa party, so stay tuned for pictures.

I'm beat! My feet are screaming from standing all day and I have got to get back on a better sleep schedule. Have a great Sunday!

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