Friday, January 18, 2008

Time's almost up!

You have until midnight Saturday to delurk and post a comment in order to be entered for my giveaway. Get those comments in QUICK!

Yesterday was interesting. I went to Sikeston and evaluated the baby that I mentioned in the last post. His mother was very young and appeared to either be slightly nuts or on some type of drug. I actually deal with both types of people on a weekly basis, so it really doesn't faze me anymore. I could not understand her speech and she kept leaving the room in the middle of my questions. I finally just got up and followed her around the house until she answered all my questions. After nine years of working in all types of people's homes, nothing really surprises me. You just have to roll with it.

We went out for BBQ at The Branding Iron with my in-laws last night. I was relieved to not have to cook. I love cooking, but it sucks when I work both jobs in one day and get home well after dark. I also talked with Becky for awhile, which is always nice. I spent the late evening/very early morning reading the DIS boards for tips on planning our trip to Disney World. (I talk about it like it's a sure thing. It makes me feel better.)

Today Carson and I picked up my brother and baby nephew and gave them a ride to the doctor for the baby's shots. We all went to lunch, then Carson and I dropped them off and headed for Hobby Lobby and Big Lots. I got some great deals on groceries at Big Lots. I need to shop there more often.

After shopping, I dropped Carson off at my mom's office so he could help her work tonight. He gets to help in the concession stand at the college gymnastics meets. He loves to socialiaze with everyone and he makes $2.50 a night. Big money when you're 6. I then went to my friend, Christy's, house to make some potato soup for scrapbooking group tonight, rather than driving all the way back to my house. It turned out awesome as usual. I rock in the kitchen. I was even a Pampered Chef Lady for a couple years. I've also never had a problem with pointing out my own talents. Can you tell?

Scrapbooking had record attendance tonight. We decided that we need to have a meal every month at the crop to get everyone there. I forgot my pictures, so I worked on baby shower invites for my cousin and talked and ate a lot.

Back to yesterday's post: it seems like I have 5 votes for cutting my hair and 0 votes for letting it grow. I made a hair appointment for Wednesday, so I've got a few days to decide what I really want. I may even throw in some very subtle red highlights. We'll see!

Sadly, I am giving up on reading Love in the time of Cholera. I always finish a book, but I just cannot get interested in this one. I'm moving on to The Thirteenth Tale. I might try the movie version of the Cholera story.

I have no plans for Saturday and I am thrilled. Make it a great weekend!

1 comment:

The Fishers said...

I love the haircut, I think it will look cute on you! Go for it!