Sunday, January 27, 2008


I never left the house today. When the alarm went off for church this morning I convinced myself that last night's church dinner counted for the week. I know, that's pretty weak. Greg did make it to church to work the lights. I think I would be much more motivated if we left for church at the same time, instead of him having to be there an hour early.

I ended up getting all but one load of laundry done, which was huge since I had gotten pretty far behind this week. I spent the morning catching up on the blogs I read and looking around on

I made the Pioneer Woman's roasted chicken legs for lunch with German fried potatoes and black-eyed peas. The chicken legs were flavorful and very moist, but I just cannot make myself like anything but boneless, skinless chicken breasts. I can't stand the weird tendons and other gross parts of the leg. Oh well, I'll make breasts next time.

This afternoon I was feeling a little overwhelmed by everything I needed to get done and ended up letting myself get into a pretty snippy mood. I ended up spending the afternoon working downstairs at my scrapbook desk. I got all of this done:

13 assorted Valentines

16 invitations to Carson's Valentine party

30 invitations to a cousin's baby shower

Pictures added to this swap layout that Becky made

I'm feeling pretty good about the few things left on my list. I was planning to work on my lecture for class Tuesday night, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

I just heard on the local news that Chelsea Clinton made a stop in our town today. That's big news around here. We're not exactly on the campaign path. I'm still undecided on who will get my vote, but it would be very interesting if Chelsea had two presidential parents. We'll see what Super Tuesday brings.

I'm traveling for work on Tuesday and I can't wait. I've had way too many days sitting in the office doing paperwork lately. It's time for a road trip! Have a wonderful week and don't forget to leave me comments. I have a little something in the works for my next giveaway!


1UP RPG said...

Your scrappiness is quite impressive! I also gave in and scrapped a bit last night when I should have been prepping for class...:)

Becca said...

Amy, you are a super woman. I love all of your scrapbooking things that you made. In the mornings, I am also hard to prod to church, but once I am there, I do feel uplifted for the coming week. I prefer Satuday night. I would have loved to see Chelsea, a day late as usual...

Becky said...

LOVE all your cards that you made! Don't you just love stay-at-home PRODUCTIVE days?!?!?!

Lilian said...

Wow you were busy! I love all the cards!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I love the red Valentines! =)